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[Webinar] Smart Topics Webinar Series

October 2, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm MDT


The Smart Topics webinar series is focused on exposing members to new problems, solutions, and case studies that will fall between our in-person Civic Labs. This first webinar will introduce two of our newest members (MySidewalk, Vantiq) and cover hot topics like real-time, event-driven intelligence platforms, harnessing aggregated data to track progress on city goals, and an introduction to the Wiki for government innovation.

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This will mark the first in a new quarterly webinar series, titled Smart Topics, which will focus on providing innovative ideas and speakers to educate, inspire, and motivate our membership. To our government members, please forward this webinar opportunity to staff and departments relevant to these topics so we can maximize our reach and participation!

Govlaunch is a free and open community for local government innovators to share their smart cities projects and innovative ideas amongst other cities and stakeholders through a Wiki-style platform. Free to cities, the Alliance is interested in leveraging this platform to document and share the innovative projects that our cities are working on in a convenient format, in addition to encouraging more inter-city collaboration in a safe environment protected by authenticated, government-only communications so you can talk openly and honestly about what worked and what didn’t.

Vantiq will discuss how real-time, event-driven IoT application development is helping cities and businesses quickly build applications that use advanced technologies – such as machine learning, object recognition, IoT, and edge computing – to track and respond to everything moving in and around cities in real time.

mySidewalk will demonstrate how cities can leverage a City Intelligence Platform to make data easier to access, analyze, and visualize for reporting, geospatial analysis, and information requests. The platform includes over 2,300 pre-loaded datasets for every county, community, zip code, census tract, census block group, and election district, as well as several custom areas in the country. They’ll show how to create custom reports to deliver compelling updates, quickly & easily analyze geospatial data, and how to incorporate primary & local data sources.


October 2, 2019
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm MDT