Welcome to the
Colorado Smart Cities Alliance

Colorado Smart Cities Alliance

The Colorado Smart Cities Alliance is a statewide organization that brings together government, businesses and allied organizations to improve life for all Coloradans. We are built to advance smart cities investments that are outcome-driven and can be applied regionally to advance civic innovation in Colorado.

The Alliance encourages smart cities to be collaborative problem-solvers; to weigh the risk of inaction heavier than the risk of trying something new; to be OK with making a strategic mistake to avoid being complacent with a problematic status quo.

What we do


The University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) in partnership with Colorado Smart Cities Alliance and Innosphere Ventures, were awarded a $2 million dollar grant to launch a smart cities incubator and accelerator program.

Learn more about the program and the cohort companies at smartfutureslab.com.

5G Incubator & Accelerator


Discover how the Alliance approaches smart cities differently.

Our Work


We facilitate Collaborative Partnerships between government, business and academia to address some of the greatest challenges facing communities. Our Actionable Innovation Model provides many opportunities to engage.

Let's Connect

“The challenges facing cities today are complex. They cross boundaries that require alignment and collaboration to solve, and they present themselves differently from city to city. Effective solutions need to be developed with a local understanding of the problem and a regional approach to deployment. The Colorado Smart Cities Alliance provides the forum for doing just that.

~ Tyler Svitak, Executive Director




Colorado Smart Cities Blog

BlogCase Study
March 27, 2024

Case Study: Connecting City Employees with Clean Commute Options

The City of Westminster and Commutrics partnered to provide employees with a one-stop shop that…
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February 24, 2022

Equity in Data-Backed Decision Making

Credit card transactions, how we engage with apps and social media, and even our location…
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February 7, 2022

Meeting Sustainability Goals will Require Smarter Cities

Without New Technology, Partnership and Innovation, Cities Will Miss the Mark - Originally published in:…
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October 29, 2021

How Will Vehicle-to-Everything Communication Technology Enhance Smart Cities?

Within the next five years, smart cities around the world are expected to produce business…
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