Library Innovation Challenge

What is the Library Innovation Challenge with Arapahoe Libraries?

The Library Innovation Challenge provides an open-ended innovation process for government procurement that removes the need to meet specific requirements and provides an open door to business and academic innovators to propose new ways of solving a problem. The objectives are as follows:

  • Identify better solutions to issues impacting Arapahoe Libraries and, more broadly, other libraries and government organizations.
  • Attract innovative ideas, people, and investment to Colorado
  • Build a collaborative ecosystem across and within governments and other sectors that benefits Colorado
  • Provide a streamlined procurement process that creates efficiencies for all participating stakeholders
  • Motivate, inspire and, ultimately, change government to become more innovative and collaborative


To discover and implement innovative solutions for enhancing the library patron experience, enabling better access to the world of information and ideas available through public library systems.

Challenge Statement and Solution Context

The Library Innovation Challenge is seeking innovative technology and data solutions to enhance understanding and management of facility usage. How are physical library spaces utilized on a day-to-day basis, and how can this data assist libraries in making informed decisions about space and asset allocation?


Arapahoe Libraries can easily measure the number of patrons entering/exiting their facilities through door count metrics and they track extensive data on their reservable space and collection usage, but these systems are limited. They don’t know where patrons are congregating inside of their library locations. They don’t know how resources outside of these systems are being utilized: are four-person tables used more often than two-person tables, and how many people are sitting at those tables? They can’t predict patron traffic patterns or behaviors accurately: if they shift the service desk location, does that impact the time it takes for a patron to wayfind their way to receiving help? They can’t tell how their collection– physical books, movies, magazines–are being browsed, since we can only track the items that are “checked out” and leave the building.

The goal is to leverage this diverse data to create a dynamic, holistic view of Arapahoe Libraries’ facility’s daily operations, such as browsing patterns for materials, walking patterns throughout the library; seating options utilization; service point usage; collaboration spaces utilization. The aim is to develop a tool that can visualize real-time data, optimize resource deployment, and simulate potential changes or scenarios.

Submit a Solution

The 2024 Library Innovation Challenge application opens on October 16! Visit this page on October 16 to access the application and apply.

Planning to apply? Make sure to attend the Solution Provider Info Session on Tuesday, November 12 at 8:30 am (MT).

To stay informed about the Library Innovation Challenge, click here to be added to the distribution list.

Applicant expectations:

  • Review the Terms and Conditions stipulated in the RFI2/Solicitation Document
  • Submit proposal no later than December 18th
  • Submit a proposal that requests no more than $25,000 for Phase 1 and provides a financial model for scaling in Phase 2
  • Attach a 5 slide overview of your solution
  • Be willing to co-develop the project and be patient



Get paid to collaborate directly with Arapahoe Libraries to develop, test and scale solutions in real world environments while also gaining exposure within the Alliance network of more than 70 public, private, academic and allied members.

Market Opportunity

Libraries represent a unique, often overlooked market opportunity for technology companies. According to the American Library Association, there are 123,627 libraries across the country, which are increasingly becoming a technology access hub for communities across the United States.

How does the Library Innovation Challenge work?

The Library Innovation Challenge process is divided into three separate stages:

  • Intake
    • Proposals are submitted via provided intake form
    • Reviewers (made up of library employees representing the Arapahoe Library District as a whole, and some of the distinct sites that will be the focus for implementation) evaluate solutions
    • Reviewers choose solutions to implement at Arapahoe Libraries
  • Execution
    • Arapahoe Libraries partners with solution provider(s) to implement solution(s) at their library(s)
  • Assessment
    • Assess results for outcomes
  • Scale
    • Successful solutions scale to additional libraries
